Hi! I'm Alex
Full Stack
My favorite tech includes Python, Go and the MERN stack. I've dabbled with C# and GDScript for game design as well as MySQL, Postgres and Oracle for databases. My portfolio site was built using Svelte and Tailwind. I have utilized version control using git with Github as well as Docker images and Docker Hub.
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Have a look at some of my projects:
Riichi Mahjong Wait Trainer
A CLI Mahjong Wait trainer built using Go that allows the user to practice identifying winning tiles for hand sizes ranging from 4-13.
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Book Archive
A lightweight book archive that uses the MERN stack to save the owner's list of books which could be suitable for a store or recommendation list.
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GBVSR Frame-data Scraper
A CLI that allows the user to create a frame-data CSV file for a character of their choice from the fighting game 'Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising'. Built using Python with a Selenium web-driver.
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Discord Bot
A discord bot built in Python that uses Discord's api and a csv-based database to get recommendations from popular lists or other user's recommendations.
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A to-do-list built with Python, Flask and a custom SQL-database to let users create reminders for themselves.
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And More!
Take a look at additional projects in my Github repositories
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Want to know more?
A bit about me.
I am . . .
a self-taught developer
The perseverance to independently learn and improve; I have completed multiple courses including Harvard's CS50 core and Python courses, along with a Google Data Analytics certification. I have also done various popular Udemy courses to acquire a wide berth of programming knowledge and hone my skills.
an excellent communicator
Coming from a teaching background of seven years, I have had to develop a rapport with my fellow teachers, the students, their parents as well as my academy director. I led training seminars for teaching methodologies during my time as a head teacher.
an outstanding organizer
I developed annual ciriculums for various grades by selecting appropriate material and explaining my thought process to my superiors. Additionally, I was punctual in finishing weekly feedback and monthly reports.